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Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM)

Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM) Information


224 S Michigan Ave # 1000, Chicago, IL 60604


The Loop


In 1936, two architects and an engineer formed a partnership; our founders understood the power of combining their expertise within a single firm. Since then, SOM has grown to include urban designers and planners, interior designers, and more. Our teams are composed of designers with an artistic sensibility, architects and engineers with highly specialized technical knowledge, and planners with a deep understanding of policy and economics. The synthesis of these viewpoints generates design solutions that no single person could have imagined on their own. From sustainable engineering, to healthcare design, to regenerative city planning, none of our areas of expertise stands alone. Each is deeply interwoven with the others, informing and being informed by them.

Participants at this venue

Participants Country
SOM + CAMESgibson Chicago, United States
The City is the Site