
About the program
Featuring work by Rebecca Beachy, Jennifer Buyck, Eugenia Cheng, Virginia Hanusik, Candace Hunter, Anna Johnson, Roland Knowlden, JeeYeun Lee, Jin Lee, Meredith Leich, Pierre-Alexandre Savriacouty, Tria Smith, and Ines Sommer.
Water uses the Chicago River as an entryway to discuss the interconnectedness and relational importance of water upon the City and its people. From pre-settler colonialism to present day, the availability of water has impacted the City of Chicago’s formation, rise, and current environmental concerns. The exhibition begins with a contemporary view of the Chicago River through the video of artist/architect Jennifer Buyck walking along the entire river. The exhibition also looks to Lake Michigan and the Mississippi River to correlate universal costs of exploitation, commodification, control, and renewal of waterways. Water’s impact and importance is much more than just economical and environmental. Water—essential to life—is a shared resource that connects all.
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6018 N Kenmore Ave, Chicago, IL 60660
6018North is an artist‐centered, sustainable, non-profit platform and dynamic venue for innovative art and culture in Chicago. We challenge what art is, whom it’s for, and where and how it’s created. 6018North champions the creation of adventurous work that connects multiple disciplines and audiences while promoting artistic excellence. We support emerging and established local and international artists to create innovative, multidisciplinary work that connects artists and audiences in transformative ways. As a nimble lab for incubating, modeling, and experimenting, we leverage new ways of connecting artists and audiences to advance and sustain artists and Illinois’ creative ecosystem.