ArchAgenda Debates: JOSÉ PAREJA GÓMEZ (Zaha Hadid Architects / ZHVR / AADRL)

About the program
JOSÉ PAREJA GÓMEZ is an Associate at Zaha Hadid Architects where he has worked on a series of Urban and Architectural projects specialising in the use of computation within the design development process. In addition, he is a lead VR Developer for the ZHVR Group, AR/VR research and development group within ZHA. He’s previously been a Course Tutor at The Bartlett, University College London, BPro master’s programme, where his work at Research Cluster 9 focused on extended realities and augmentation in architectural design and fabrication, and is currently a course tutor at the Architectural Association DRL Design Research Lab master’s programme. Jose was born in Mexico City. He holds a MArch in Architecture and Urbanism from the Architectural Association in London UK. He has been a lecturer on diverse technology and architectural forums in Latin America and Europe.
SANDBOX FOR THE PHYGITAL FUTURE – the theme of the 2023 ArchAgenda Debates – delves into the emergent blend of digital and physical environments shaping a novel seamless social reality. The series envisions the city and metaverse as as symbiotic spaces to rehearse, inform, challenge, test and design the phygital future.
THE 2023 ARCHAGENDA DEBATES SERIES features series of presentations by practicing architects presenting with their students, bridging together research and design in academia and industry. Each presenter is asked to propose a thesis for the evolving Phygital discourse. Design presentations and thought-provoking debates aim to collectively explore ideas about future phygital cities.